蜜月婚紗、 海外旅拍 妳聽過嗎?隨著生活習慣改變,出國旅行已經變得更加容易,少少預算也能經歷一場豐富的旅遊,邊蜜月旅行邊拍婚紗的時代正在流行;而妳的個性與生活習慣,會反映在妳選擇的旅行國家哦。現在就透過以下心理測驗,檢視妳最適合去哪個國家一邊旅行一邊拍攝婚紗!
Have you ever heard of an overseas honeymoon wedding shoot? As lifestyles change, traveling abroad is now becoming increasingly easier. Even with a small budget, it is still possible to experience an amazing trip abroad. Your choice of travel destination is also a reflection of your personality and living habits. Through this personality quiz, let us take a look at the country most suited to you for your overseas honeymoon wedding shoot!